Monday, September 14, 2009

Featuring Colorado Artists

I have always been drawn to other artist's work.. especially Colorado artists! We all seem to be a little more connected to nature and it shows in our work and I decided I would like to share a few of my favorites. I will be featuring a new artist every 3-4 weeks.. Be sure to check back for more wonderful Colorado Eye Candy!

My first feature is Deb Babcock.. the talent behind Blue Sky Pottery.

Deb lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and having been there a little over a month ago... she has a beautiful environment to be inspired by!

Deb has studied under such renowned potters as Clary Illian, Meira Mathison, Sylvie Granitelli, Julia Galloway, Bonnie Seeman, Sarah Jaeger, and Sandi Pierantozzi.. and was honored last year to be asked to submit her work which is featured in Best Of America Pottery and Woodworking Artists & Artisans Vol.1 by Kennedy Publishing.

Deb sold her marketing research business in Michigan and moved to Colorado in 2000, she needed to find some new things to do and started volunteering for her local Arts Council. They offered a series of training classes for her in all the art disciplines and she fell in love with pottery and started taking classes at the local college and then summertime seminars at Anderson Ranch and other teaching centers.

Deb's style would be considered contemporary and whimsical. She likes brighter colors which is why she now works with porcelain. Its whiteness really sets off the glazes she makes. She likes to add embellishments and alterations to her pieces which give them a fun, organic look and feel.

Deb's work is consistantly evolving and becoming technically better as she continues to work at shapes and designs and colors that catch her eye or are in her imagination but not yet in her hands.

Her work is influenced by so much.....the beautiful mountains of Steamboat Springs, a book she has read, something someone says, places she has traveled to, a joke...all kinds of things trigger her amazing ideas.

Deb has been selling her beautiful pottery on Etsy for 3 years.. and I just love watching the beauty that she shares with us! You can view and purchase Deb's work on Etsy.


  1. Fantastic feature on one of my very favorite potters! Deb is charming and generous as well as very, very talented :D!

  2. Wonderful post about one of the Etsy friends that I have had the pleasure of meeting in person. Too brief a meeting, so happy to read more about her!

  3. Melissa - you're so sweet to do this. Thank you so much! I hope everyone takes the time to visit Melissa's etsy shop: Melissabeads and see her fabulous creations there. - Deb

  4. Always love Deb Babcock's work. Such a force of talent!
